Comfort Heat is one of the largest designer and suppliers of hydronic underfloor heating systems in Australia. Hydronic underfloor heating is not only extremely comfortable, but highly energy efficient too. Hydronic heating keeps running costs down with the use of more environmentally friendly and cost saving energy sources as alternatives to straight electricity.
Understanding hydronic underfloor heating
Hydronic underfloor heating relies on pipes laid in the concrete slab, sand and cement screed or under timber flooring, to circulate heated water around the floor. This closed water circuit is heated by various energy sources, the most efficient of which is a hydronic heat pump. Other sources can also be used such as natural gas, geothermal heat pumps and wood-fired stoves. Due to the infrastructure required, hydronic underfloor heating is more suitable for larger heated areas of at least 100m2.
Hydronic heating pipe is installed in multiple circuits, all piped back to a central manifold that controls the systems flow. Comfort Heat hydronic underfloor heating systems are designed by inhouse qualified engineers to ensure the best possible outcome for each project. Often overlooked, the design and components used within a system will define the efficiency of a hydronic underfloor heating system.
In addition to our Comfort Heat design and install service we also offer the same products in DIY kits we ship Australia wide. Ask our technical experts for any help you need regarding these matters.
Comfort Heat Australia offers two heat source options. The most popular being a hydronic, air to water, heat pump system. Heat pumps are highly efficient, require a fraction of the electricity that an electric cable system would use and can utilise solar electricity captured during the day.
When a heat pump is not suitable, due to small areas, a natural gas wall hung boiler is the next best option. Compact, simple to install and in many urban location’s boilers may be the only option. Bottled gas is not recommended as it is very expensive to run. An electric underfloor heating system would be a better solution.
Comfort Heat uses a REHAU PEX pipe, specially designed for underfloor heating systems. This pipe is multi layered and includes an oxygen barrier.
There are two sizes of pipe normally used. The 32mm PEX pipe is used for supply lines to and from the heat source to the manifold. For the pipes in the floor, the PEX pipe used is 16mm.
REHAU pipe is guaranteed to be installed within cement for 25 years and currently certified to 50 years. The joins of the pipe are also guaranteed to be leak free.
There must be a minimum of 30mm of cement material over the pipes if installing in a screed or slab to ensure the structure of the screed or slab. This means 50mm including the pipe.